This Sunday – 11 January


This Sunday Rev. Katherine McCloskey from Evangel Hall will lead us in worship at 10:30 am.

If you would like to peek ahead, the readings follow the lectionary calendar and are Psalm 29, Acts 19:1-7 and Mark 1:4-11.  If you have a few minutes now at your computer or on your phone, you can read these online all in one place at  In the Church calendar, the Sunday after Epiphany celebrates the Baptism of Jesus, and Rev. McCloskey sermon is titled “Something About the Water.”

Remember to bring your skates to church this week to join in skating to celebrate the new year together just down the road at Rennie park right after coffee hour (about 1pm).

This Sunday is also the deadline for Annual General Meeting reports, so if you are responsible for one please aim to have it done by then.

Lauren Matheson.