This Sunday – 2 November

Good Morning, Happy Friday… and Happy Anniversary as well!
M.H.P. is 125 years old this month! What a celebration we are looking forward to this weekend.
On Sunday the Rev. Dr. Clyde Ervine will be our guest preacher. Clyde is currently the minister at Knox Presbyterian in St Catharines but has previously been part of the West Toronto Presbytery and at one point served as an interim moderator at M.H.P. We look forward to welcoming him back among us.
Rev. Ervine will be preaching from Luke 24:13 – 32, which is the story of the Disciples on the Emmaus Road. His sermon title is The Story by which we live.
Stories are certainly a big part of our anniversary celebration. As we get ready for this weekend, putting together photographs and sharing our memories, it is the stories that bring it all to life, giving shape and meaning to our congregation, telling us who we are. As we bring the celebration of our history together with our hopes for the future, I look forward to worship on Sunday; to remembering, giving thanks and embracing anew the saving story that has shaped our lives through all generations.
Looking forward to seeing many of you Saturday night as well for feasting and fellowship.
Don’t forget when you go home Saturday night to set your clocks back. You get a whole extra hour of sleep this weekend to prepare us for our worship on Sunday!

Grace and Peace
