This Sunday – 4 July

Good morning and Happy Friday!

It’s been a lovely first week of summer and I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine, the green and the way things are growing.

For many of us this is a time to seek rest and vacation, a slower pace, the opportunity to be with family and friends. As we think about and I pray for you this summer, I am going to be talking about Sabbath during worship on various weeks.

This week we are going to start by looking at the end of Genesis chapter one. I often think as I read this first chapter of the BIble of what a great gift Creation is. How God made it and called it good. And Sabbath is part of that.

In Mark chapter 2 we will be reading how Jesus affirmed that when he said that Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.

And I wonder:

  • Do you find it easy or hard to receive this gift of Sabbath?
  • How do you use it, and do you?
  • What do you think it means to take Sabbath anyway?
  • What is the grace you are seeking this week that Sabbath might offer?

I am looking forward to worship and to summer. I pray for you all that you will find rest. That it will be healing and soothing to your souls
Grace and Peace
