This Sunday – 22 January

Hi Everyone,

Many of you might know that I take Mondays and Saturdays as my days off. I try really hard to keep Mondays as my Sabbath – a time to decompress, relax and be creative (family time is often Sunday night and Scrabble when my children are feeling generous). But I confess that I find it difficult to unplug, reeeeeeeeally difficult.

This past Monday, I already knew that I was preaching on the temptation of Jesus and I couldn’t help but reflect upon how often I submitted to the temptation of checking my emails and my phone.

Now some of you might wonder, “What’s the big deal about checking emails and texts?” Well, I find that I cannot decompress because I then think about all the things I want to do at church and need to do. But there’s also a flip side to unplugging. It’s reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally difficult to not think about what emails and texts I am receiving and need to respond to. So I still have trouble decompressing because I submit to the temptation of wondering, “What are people sending me?” And there goes my Sabbath. . .

Temptation. I will be using story as the medium to share my understanding of Matthew 4:1-11 this Sunday and the sermon title is, “Choose to inhale. Don’t breathe simply to exist.” The title is a quote from a young poet by the name of Mattie Stepanek.

Peace in Christ,

Rev. Janet


FEBRUARY 95:30 – 7:00 p.m. Pancake Supper and Light Entertainment in the Fellowship Hall

FEBRUARY 28 – AGM meeting date



Sign Up!


Has your child been working hard on a musical piece?

Do you like to sing?

Or dance?

Tell a short story or a few jokes for the family?

Please contact Rev. Janet, Marc, or Janice for more information or to sign up.

A sign-up sheet is available at the church.