Dear MHP Friends,
This coming Sunday we will be led in worship again by Rev. Jim Kitson. His sermon title will be “Are Your Choices Your Own?” Scripture readings will be based on Daniel 12:1-3; Psalm 16 and Mark 13:1-8.
On Sunday, November 29 we will have Rev. Janet Ryu-Chan preaching for the call to MHP. All will be asked to stay for a brief congregational meeting following that November 29th service. Members will be invited to vote by secret ballot and adherents will be invited to sign the call document. Presbyterian Church policy does not allow voting by proxy, however please contact your elder so that arrangements can be made to have your conveyed support recorded officially on the call document. A healthy congregation should strive to put forward a high percentage of its members as recorded voters. Following the meeting, should the congregation vote in favour of the call, the Interim Moderator will contact the prospective candidate, as well as the Presbytery of West Toronto, and the call will be processed. This will be an extremely important meeting in the life and future of the congregation at MHP. Please make every effort to be present for this special service and congregational meeting. The Session and the entire church family send our gratitude to the Search Committee for their many prior months of meetings, discernment and travels to other churches to listen to selected minister candidates. At this time our Search Committee and Session are very excited about the prospect of having Rev. Janet Ryu-Chan as our new minister, and they sincerely hope you will share in their optimism.
In Christ’s Service,
Hildy Stollery