This Sunday – 22 February

Dear MHP Congregation,

1) At worship on Sunday we will be led by Glenn McCullough, and his sermon title is : Wilderness Wandering, Wild Beasts & Angels.2) The scripture readings for this Sunday are Genesis 9: 8 – 17; Psalm 25: 1 – 10; Mark 1: 9 – 15

3) Please pick up your MHP 2014 income tax receipts which will be in the narthex this Sunday as you arrive for worship.  Ask the greeters to give your annual receipt of your church givings to you.  Otherwise these unclaimed tax receipts will be mailed out to  you on February 23, 2015.

4) See attached:  The Annual General Meeting Report for 2014. For those members who are not on email a paper copy of the report is available through our church office. If you need one contact or an usher/greeter on Sunday.
5) Please collect your yellow copy of the Budget and Financial statements in the narthex if you do not already have one.”  Your approval at the AGM is required and we want to ensure you have sufficient time for your review.
6) Please sign up for our 2 sheets in the fellowship hall: 1) potluck luncheon for March 1st just before our annual general meeting, and 2)  for helping to serve and/or making a food donation To Evangel Hall’s chili dinner on March 8. MANY THANKS FOR YOUR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTIONS TO THIS ANNUAL MISSION PROJECT.
7) WORLD DAY of PRAYER is being held this year on Saturday, March 7 at 10:00 a.m. at St. Joan of Arc Roman Catholic Church, at 1701 Bloor St. W..  This year the women of the The Bahamas have written a service around Jesus washing the feet of his disciples.  All are welcome to attend. MHP is one of nine churches in our Bloor West-Swansea area that hosts this universal day of prayer once every nine years or so, and we actively support our sister churches when they are hosting it. Usually a light lunch is served at the end of the service during a delightful time of fellowship in our wider community of churches along with a display of resources about this year’s featured country.  For more information contact Norma J.
8) Details about the memorial service for Muriel Morgan (the late mother of Scott Morgan) will be held this Saturday afternoon, Feb. 21. See link for details.
See you on Sunday,
Hildy Stollery