This Sunday – 14 September

Good morning and happy Friday!

As the weather gets cooler and the kids settle into school, suddenly it feels like fall is here!

It was great to see so many of you last week and I am looking forward to catching up with more of you this Sunday.

We are going to be continuing our reading of Exodus in Chapters 14 and 15. You might have seen this scene in the movies: the crossing of the Red or “Reed” Sea. This is a very dramatic moment that has stayed in the hearts and minds of people for generations – the wind blowing, the waters curling back and the Israelites crossing on dry land.

As I read this week I wonder what that crossing felt like, taking the first step into the water as it parted would be one kind of faith – then half-way across, with the water hemming them in on both sides, with people behind and before? And I wonder when in your life you have had to make journeys that are like that.  When the only way forward is ahead and you can only walk in faith.

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday,

Grace and Peace,
